Saturday, February 18, 2017


    TOYS!.... oh boy!! Aside from all the handmade toys you can find on Ebay, Amazon and Etsy, there is also Little Tikes, Playskool, etc. I personally have 3 houses, 2 buses, 2 shape sorters, 3 cars, an airplane, an elephant ball popper, a dinosaur ball popper, a barn, a treehouse and 2 other treehouse type things.... that's the things I can think of off the top of my head. you can seriously spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on this little guys! So where do you find all these things without spending a fortune at retail stores like Wal-Mart, Meijer, Target?? Let me tell you... Goodwill will be your best friend if you own a sugar glider.
I went to our local Goodwill last week and finally found the airplane I wanted. It was $4.00 but had all the little people with it that I didn't want, didn't need. So I asked to speak with the manager and got $2 off because I didn't want the people. Same with the big treehouse, I didn't want or need the people so they took $2 off the price.
Another good place to find toys?? Yardsales and flea markets. During the spring, summer and fall most people are cleaning out their homes and getting rid of stuff they don't need, things their kids have outgrown and just plain clutter. I bought my elephant ball popper for $5, they retail at $35. How? Yardsale.
My point to all of this... don't pay retail for toys! Get out to those yardsale's, go to Goodwill. They are everywhere once you start looking.

Happy Toy Hunting 😉

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