It has been a while but I am back and with a bit of irritation I might add. I have ran into a few people lately that have just recently become a suggie mom or dad and I am so seriously agitated by them it is unreal.
I understand getting a new pet especially an exotic and not knowing exactly what to do with it or how to care for it, trust me I was at that very stage when I got Henry. Let's be honest here though.... anyone with two brain cells to rub together would have the common sense to know that maybe they should do some research on how to properly care for their animal.
It irritates me that people will get a glider and go only by what the previous owner tells them. Just because the previous owner tells you a glider can survive on fresh veggies doesn't mean it is true!!! And yes, maybe they can survive on just fresh veggies alone BUT FOR HOW LONG? I would think, and have done the research to know, a glider eating veggies alone will not live the average 12-15 captive years they should!!
PLEASE do your research! If you get a glider and you are not sure how to properly care for it, have questions on diet or well.... anything for that matter ASK!!!! No question is stupid except the ones you do not ask.